Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Book Review Guidelines

      A book review is not a book report. It is an evaluation, a critique of the book, not just a report that summarizes the contents of the book. A book review should provide an overview of the contents and an evaluation of the book's relevance and accuracy.
       To accurately complete your book review you need to research how life really was during the time period of your book. Once you have a sound understanding of the time period, you will evaluate the author’s description of the time period with the facts that you have found in your textbook or online.
       The review should evaluate the setting and main characters of your historical fiction. Does the author write an accurate account of the civilization highlighted in the book? Are the main characters actions and behaviors believable?

Book Review Checklist:
1. Introduction
       - Title & Author
       - Setting
       - Main Character
2. Historical Civilization Review (setting)
       - Critically review authors description of the civilization
       - Cross reference with textbook or website
3. Character Review (main character)
       - Explain two actions of the character.
       - Are the actions or behaviors believable?
4. Conclusion
       - State your opinion about the book.
       - Did you like or dislike this book? Explain why or why not.

Historical Fiction Reading Log

       One of the school wide goals at Sadie Halstead Middle School is to improve students reading skills. As part of the 7th grade social studies class, students are required to read a historical fiction book and present a book review to the class. To help improve and monitor student reading, I have established this Reading Blog. This is an online reading log for students to post responses and reflections of what they are reading, as well as to track their progress about the book they are currently reading. Upon completing this reading log, students will write a book review that will be posted to another website. Have fun!

Log Guideline
       All books must be Reading Counts books that are within 200 points of their lexile scores. Each entry must reflect about what you have read and be posted as a comment under your name. Please avoid chat language, as this is a school assignment.
        Each entry must have a header that includes the book’s title, author’s name, and pages read. The actual log must reflect on the current section read, highlight one of the six reading strategies used  and have supportive details from the text.

Classroom Links
       Link to your social studies classroom blog by following the appropriate class hyperlink below: